1st Sunday of Advent November 27

First Sunday of Advent November 27 2022 “The Impossible Mountain” — Isaiah 2:1-5 & Matthew 24:36-44   Image: David Roberts “Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives” 1839 SERMON RESOURCES Open Zoom Meeting Open Order of Worship Online worship...

Sunday November 20

Reign of Christ Sunday November 20 2022 “Imaging the Invisible God” This Sunday we’ll celebrate the way Christ ushers in God’s reign by becoming a perfect image of the invisible God. We’ll ponder together how we can view our own call to serve as...

Sunday November 13

Sunday November 13 2022 “Image of God — Watch Yourselves Closely” Image: Greek Orthodox Monastery of St Anthony in the Arizonan desert Idols, idols everywhere.  Idols near and far.  We could use this Sunday’s sermon to count how many kinds there are! Instead,...
All Saints Sunday, November 6

All Saints Sunday, November 6

All Saints Sunday November 6 2022 “Image of God – Blessed” The gospel reading each year on All Saints Day is the beatitudes (Blessed are the poor, blessed are the hungry…) reminding us that God’s saints aren’t necessarily the powerful movers and...

Sunday October 30

Sunday October 30, 2022 Woven Through: “Image of God – The Gardner’s Domain” What does it mean to be made in the image of God? This Sunday as we begin our final Woven Through series we’ll think about vocation as the way we bear God’s image. We’ll...

Sunday October 23

Sunday October 23, 2022 “Woven Through: Trees—I Am the Vine”   “Woven Through: Trees—I Am the Vine”   John 15:1-8  & Revelation 22:1-7 We’ll conclude our mini-series on Trees with Jesus’ image of himself as the true vine, in which we, God’s...