second Sunday of Advent

December 4, 2022

“A Vulnerable Hope”

Isaiah paints a picture of hope for the nation of Israel with an image of a tree–not a mighty, stable, flourishing oak but, instead, a small, vulnerable shoot coming up from a truncated stump. We’ll wonder together about this “underwhelming” good news and celebrate the surprising hope God offers.

Isaiah 11:1-10 & Romans 15:4-13

Image: Edward Hicks, Peaceable Kingdom


Online worship

Please use the following links for this week’s worship. You may wish to prepare your communion elements before we begin.

Order of Worship

Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 827 4872 5884

Password: 247155

In-Person worship

We begin at 10am on Sundays. We have a short fellowship time after the worship gathering, then Second Hour programs for adults and kids after the service (during the school year).

1) Masks are optional and welcome for all participants. 

2) Elders will serve individual communion element servings at the front.


Below are details about kids’ programs for this coming Sunday! Masks are welcome and optional.

Worship Hour

Nursery: 9:45—end of service 

   Infants & Toddlers: nursery on main level, in office hallway

Children & Worship: leave service after Prayer for Illumination 

   3’s-4’s preschool: Room 301

   Kindergarten-1st Grade: Room 302

   2nd-5th Grade: Room 304

Second Hour

Potluck in the Fellowship Hall

sign up here to volunteer for Nursery, Children & Worship, or Second Hour

SECOND HOUR (11:30 – 12:15)

All ages will gather together for a potluck lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the service. Please pick up your kids from the worship centers UPSTAIRS after worship.


VITA Volunteer Venue Manager
Trinity is once again partnering with New Development Corp. to offer Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) from January through April. We have been asked to provide a volunteer (or a pool of volunteers) to set up and take down tables and equipment in the Fellowship Hall. 
New Editions of Trinity’s Directory!
As many of you know, your Breeze account acts as a digital, searchable, mobile! directory for you to access contact information for Trinity folks. In addition, we’ll be creating a printed version with photos over the next few months. In preparation for the publishing of the new directory, please contact the office with your current and preferred Phone Number, Email, and Street Address. And send along a family or individual photo to include. Alternately, you can update your very own account information and photo yourself by logging in to your Breeze account. 
Kids Hope Volunteer Form LIVE!

Trinity is now officially recruiting volunteers for our Kids Hope mentoring program at Harrison Park School! Yay! Spend one hour each week investing in and encouraging a student through a one-on-one relationship. Harrison Park is so happy to have us and will do whatever they can to work around our volunteers’ schedules. (Preferred times for tutoring are mid-day/lunchtime) Sign up here, in-person on the sign up sheet, or contact Amanda directly with questions or to volunteer.  Thanks!



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Don’t forget, you can send your offerings to Trinity via the Facebook link below, or you can sign up for a regular automatic contribution by using the Recurring Draft button.