The spiritual life is ordinary, everyday life lived in ever-deepening and loving relationship with God, all people, and creation.Gather Together
Discipleship for All Ages
Trinity is an egalitarian, open and affirming congregation, and all people are welcome.
Lifelong Learning
The spiritual life is ordinary, everyday life lived in ever-deepening and loving relationship with God, all people, and creation. The discipleship process gives such life direction and depth. The Reformed Church in America has defined discipleship as the process of following Jesus Christ and becoming like him in all we think, say, and do, for the purpose of being the very presence of Christ in a lost and broken world so loved by God. This journey begins at childhood and continues our whole life long.
For more information, you are warmly invited to talk with:
Amanda McElroy (616.217.3987) amanda@trinityreformedchurch.org.dream.website) for questions and ideas involving children and their families. This includes Children and Worship and other resources to help our children grow.
Benjamin or Sarah (616.217.3987) benjamin@trinityreformedchurch.org.dream.website, sarah@trinityreformedchurch.org.dream.website) for questions and ideas involving youth discipleship, adult discipleship, baptism, and professions of faith.

Second Hour
From September through May, a second hour of discipleship begins for children, youth, and adults after worship on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. Second Hour is a time to actively listen, question, and delve deeper into theology, spirituality, and/or current events. Adults have engaged in learning about non-violent communication, human sexuality, personal stories of faith and transformation, and restorative circles.
Infants & Toddlers
Infant Nursery
Care for infants through 2 years old is provided every Sunday morning during worship in our pleasant and well-equipped nursery. A rotating group of vetted caregivers allows many in the congregation to carry out their baptismal promises to Trinity children in a tangible way.
Little Lambs
The early years are crucial for the development and growth of young children. This is as true for our spirituality as it is for our physical, emotional, and psychological development.
Trinity’s Little Lambs program meets on all of the Sundays without Children & Worship. It is designed to meet the spiritual needs of children from around the age of 2 to 4 years old. While parents/guardians worship in the sanctuary, children experience worship, response time, an introduction to faith stories, snack time, and free play.

Children & Worship
At Trinity, we believe the generations enrich each other. Throughout the year, we balance seasons of multigenerational worship with seasons of separate, age-appropriate worship. Everyone at Trinity typically worships together during Advent, Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter, the first Sunday of each month, and the summer months. September through May, we offer age-appropriate worship experiences for children 2 years old – 5th grade in their worship centers while everyone else continues worship in the sanctuary.
Our ministry for children is designed to bring them the stories of God in such a way that they begin to appropriate those stories as their story. In entering God’s story, they experience the reconciling love of God. We also place an emphasis on praying for and with our children and teaching them to pray.
Worship Centers – A Special Place, A Special Time
Young children experience many things which they do not have adequate language to articulate, including the presence of God and the mysteries of life, growth, and change. Time spent in our age-appropriate worship centers with trained worship leaders allows children to deepen their relationship with God and provides language and validation for their experiences. The essential stories they hear in their worship centers help them form their identity as belonging to the people of God.
Youth Ministry
Youth Group provides a space where gifts and passions, wonders and doubts, service and learning can be experienced and celebrated. We meet bi-weekly during the school year and have the opportunity to partner with Re-member on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota every summer.
Contact Benjamin at (616.217.3987) benjamin@trinityreformedchurch.org.dream.website to find out more.