
Our worship centers around an encounter with God through the Sacrament of Communion and the preaching of the Word. We describe our style of worship as liturgical folk. Click below for all you need to know about the current week's worship at Trinity.
Weekly Worship Resources

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We Gather Every Sunday

In-Person Service

Every Sunday we gather to worship, learn, and participate in Christ’s community. Worship centers around an encounter with God through the Sacrament of Communion and the preaching of the Word. We describe our style of worship as liturgical folk.

We invite you to come as you are (wearing athleisure, gardening clothes or your finest threads), and we invite you to come as who you are (true believer, freethinker, single, married, queer, straight, partison, apolitical, black, white, brown, working class, middle class, upper class, no class: all are welcome).

Sunday morning worship begins at 10:00 a.m.

Online Service

We also encourage you to visit us virtually. We host each service live, via Zoom. Find a link for worship each week on the Trinity Reformed Church Grand Rapids Facebook page or in the weekly email. To sign up for the weekly email simply send a message to trcoffice@trinityreformedchurch.org.dream.website.

Worship centers around an encounter with God through the Sacrament of Communion and the preaching of the Word. We describe our style of worship as liturgical folk.

Trinity is an egalitarian, open and affirming congregation, and all people are welcome. We warmly embrace the form and freedom of our liturgy and appreciate the breadth of scriptural witness provided by the lectionary. We celebrate communion (gluten free) weekly, and baptized children and adults are all welcome at the table.