Sunday October 30, 2022

Woven Through:

“Image of God – The Gardner’s Domain”

What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
This Sunday as we begin our final Woven Through series we’ll think about vocation as the way we bear God’s image. We’ll remember when it comes to gardening and all our work, it’s not just what we do, it’s how we do it!
Genesis 1:26-31a & Psalm 8
Benjamin Bruins


Bible Project

Image of God Series

The New York Times

Climate Change Should You Have Kids

The New York Times

Online worship

Please use the following links for this week’s worship. You may wish to prepare your communion elements before we begin.

Order of Worship

Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 827 4872 5884

Password: 247155

In-Person worship

We begin at 10am on Sundays. We have a short fellowship time after the worship gathering, then Second Hour programs for adults and kids after the service (during the school year).

1) Masks are optional and welcome for all participants. 

2) Elders will serve individual communion element servings at the front.


Below are details about kids’ programs for this coming Sunday! Masks are welcome and optional.

Worship Hour

Nursery: 9:45—end of service 

   Infants & Toddlers: nursery on main level, in office hallway

Children & Worship: leave service after Prayer for Illumination 

   3’s-4’s preschool: Room 301

   Kindergarten-1st Grade: Room 302

   2nd-5th Grade: Room 304

Snack Time: 11:15-11:30 

   Toddlers-4th Grade: Basement Classroom

Second Hour

Little Lambs: Infant-Preschool, Little Lambs Rm(basement)

Kindergarten-1st Grade: Basement Classroom

2nd-4th Grade: Main Floor Lounge

sign up here to volunteer for Nursery, Children & Worship, or Second Hour


SECOND HOUR (11:30 – 12:15)

Youth (grades 5-12) — Youth Room (basement)

AdultsFellowship Hall (basement)  You are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall after worship as we explore the biblical theme of the Image of God, using resources from the Bible Project.


November Potluck

On All Saints Sunday, November 6, we’ll celebrate the progression of the generations which made us who we are. Bring a dish to pass from your family history! Consider bringing a sign with you to place near your dish which tells us the name of the recipe and who it came from. We’ll join in a meal together in the Fellowship Hall after worship on November 6. (Bring along pace setting for your household.)

Alternative Market

Trinity’s Alternative Market is back! After worship on November 13, join us in the Fellowship Hall for a pop up shop of gifts and treasures from around the world, crafted with love and integrity by skilled artisans. Help support sustainable gift production, buying, and giving for this holiday season. Share this event and date with your friends an neighbors. Public shoppers are very welcome. Stay tuned for more details.

All Saints Sunday
On November 6, we will celebrate All Saints Sunday together, remembering saints who have gone before us. Our liturgy will include the names of loved ones who have passed away in the last year. If you have names you would like to have included, please email Pastor Sarah ( 
Trinity T-Shirts

Did you miss the opportunity to purchase a trinity shirt last year? Has your child outgrown their previous size? Well, it’s time for another round of Trinity t-shirts! These short-sleeved shirts are available in both adult and youth sizes for $15–payment due at pick-up. Place your order here or at the welcome center. 



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