Fifth Sunday of Epiphany

A Witness to the Resurrection

Image: “He who steps over” by Jyoti Sahi
Rev. Sarah Van Zetten Bruins will be preaching at Trinity on February 6.
Paul reminds the chaotic and divided Corinthian church of the good news at the center of their faith–Christ is risen! We are a resurrection people, who have received this good news and are called to share it with the world. In the world swirling with death and darkness, how can we live as witnesses to resurrection?
1 Corinthians 15:1-15

Online Service

Please use the following links for this week’s worship. You may wish to prepare your communion elements before we begin.

Order of Worship

Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 827 4872 5884

Password: 247155

In-Person Service

The following practices apply to all those present in our building, regardless of age or vaccination status.

1) Masks are required at all times while indoors

2) Physically distanced sanctuary seating (by household or group)

Elders will serve individual communion element servings at the front. (You may bring your own elements for partaking at your seat.)

KIDS! We have COVID safe programing for Infants – Grade 5 kiddos during and after worship.


Below are details about kids’ programs for this coming Sunday! Masks will be worn by all participants and teachers (to the best of the kids’ ability).

Worship Hour (10:00 – 11:10)

Infants – 2 Yrs old — Nursery (9:45-11:15)

– Main Level (in the church office hallway)

2Yrs old – 5Yr Old — Little Lambs – Lower Level

– begin service in Sanctuary, leave together after Children’s Message 

5Yr Old+ — Remain in Sanctuary for Worship (this week)


Snack Time (11:15 – 11:30)

All Kids — Basement Classroom (distanced) – Lower Level


Second Hour (11:30 – 12:15)

Infants, Toddlers, & Preschool

– Little Lambs Rm. – Lower Level

K-2nd Grade

– Basement Classroom – Lower Level

3rd – 5th Grade

– Lounge/Library – Main Level


Volunteer Schedule Links

ADULT 2nd HOUR (11:30 – 12:15)

House Meeting

This Sunday we are all invited to participate in a House Meeting during Second Hour down in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll have the opportunity to hear stories about what’s happening in people’s lives, including the pressures they feel in their household. We can also share our own stories and name the pressures we feel. All of our stories will help inform the focus of the West Michigan Community Organizing coalition. Come and be part of building relational power at Trinity and beyond!

Morning Prayer

(Epiphany 5)

God, I give you thanks this morning
as I watch the beauty of the newborn light, 
listen to the first stirrings of a new day in nature, 
and ponder the miracle of my own breathing
and your presence in it all. 

Open my eyes to your resurrection. 
Breathe through me to send life to dry bones. 

Evening Prayer

(Epiphany 5)


Thank you, God, for the gift of this day-
a day to work, to play, to worship.
As evening comes, it is time to rest. 
If, as I review my day, I am tempted to despair, 
remind me of the good news I have received, 
in which I stand, 
through which I am being saved: 
Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. 
May I rest in the peace of Christ
and be raised to new life again tomorrow. Amen.


House Meeting Invitation | This Sunday we are all invited to participate in a House Meeting during Second Hour down in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll have the opportunity to hear stories about what’s happening in people’s lives, including the pressures they feel in their household. We can also share our own stories and name the pressures we feel. All of our stories will help inform the focus of the West Michigan Community Organizing coalition. Come and be part of building relational power at Trinity and beyond!

Consistory Nominations | Everyone at Trinity, regardless of membership status, is invited to nominate people for the April 10 election of elders and deacons. Nominations can be made using the online form or the paper form found at the back of the sanctuary. All nominations must be received by Sunday, February 13. Whom will God call through this body?


Send us prayer updates and requests:

Please sign up for our email list in order to receive prayer updates and requests. 



Don’t forget, you can send your offerings to Trinity via the “Give” link below or you can sign up for a regular automatic contribution by using the ACH Draft button.