Sunday October 2, 2022
World Communion Sunday
“Unity in Christ”
Isaiah 45:20-23 & Philippians 2:1-11

Online worship
Please use the following links for this week’s worship. You may wish to prepare your communion elements before we begin.
Order of Worship
Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 827 4872 5884
Password: 247155
In-Person worship
We begin at 10am on Sundays. We have a short fellowship time after the worship gathering, then Second Hour programs for adults and kids after the service (during the school year).
1) Masks are optional and welcome for all participants.
2) Elders will serve individual communion element servings at the front.
Below are details about kids’ programs for this coming Sunday! Masks are welcome and optional.
Nursery for Infants & Toddlers (open at 9:45)
Little Lambs Program – 2-5 yr olds – basement classroom
(leave together after children’s sermon)
ADULT & YOUTH 2nd HOUR (11:30 – 12:15)
We will share a meal together in the Fellowship Hall after worship. Our theme is International Foods!
Trinity T-Shirts
Did you miss the opportunity to purchase a trinity shirt last year? Has your child outgrown their previous size? Well, it’s time for another round of Trinity t-shirts! These short-sleeved shirts are available in both adult and youth sizes for $15–payment due at pick-up. Place your order here or at the welcome center.
Breaking Bread is Back!
Breaking Bread is Trinity’s fun, informal meal sharing opportunity for individuals and families of all shapes and sizes to get to know each other on a more personal level.
Those who sign up are put into groups of 3 individuals/couples/family units, and together each group will coordinate where & when they will meet to share two meals together during the months of October – December.
Sign up here or at the Welcome Center before September ends.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
Send us prayer updates and requests:
Please sign up for our email list in order to receive prayer updates and requests.
Don’t forget, you can send your offerings to Trinity via the “Give” link below or you can sign up for a regular automatic contribution by using the ACH Draft button.