First Sunday After Christmas
Chosen Home

Scripture contains just one story from Jesus’ childhood, and it’s a decidedly relatable story of a lost child and frantic parents. But even in Jesus’ childhood choices we catch glimpses of a young man choosing to step away from others’ expectations and into God’s calling. We’ll wonder together what the Spirit might be calling us to step away from and what God might be calling us to a new home.
In-Person Service
The following practices apply to all those present in our building, regardless of age or vaccination status.
1) Masks are required at all times while indoors
2) Physically distanced sanctuary seating (by household or group)
Elders will serve individual communion element servings at the front. (You may bring your own elements for partaking at your seat.)
KIDS! We have COVID safe programing for Infants – Grade 5 kiddos during and after worship.
Online Service
Please use the following links for this week’s worship. You may wish to prepare your communion elements before we begin.
Order of Worship:
Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 827 4872 5884
Password: 247155
Online Service
Please use the following links for this week’s worship. You may wish to prepare your communion elements before we begin.
Order of Worship:
Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 827 4872 5884
Password: 247155
Below are details about kids’ programs for this coming Sunday!
Masks will be worn by all participants and teachers (to the best of the kids’ ability).
Worship Hour
(10:00 – 11:10)
Infants – 2 Yrs old – begin in Nursery (9:45) – Main Level
(in the church office hallway)
Infants – 5 Yrs old – Little Lambs – Basement
(begin service in Sanctuary, leave together after Passing of the Peace)
Volunteer Schedule Links: Nursery, Children in Worship, Second Hour
No Adult Second Hour this week.
Morning Prayer
(Christmastide Week 1)
Lord Jesus Christ, as you listed to your teachers,
may I also, this day, listen to others with care and grace,
and receive whatever wisdom they may offer. Amen.
Evening Prayer
(Christmastide Week 1)
Loving God, you know every struggle I have faced this day:
let me sleep in peace, Confident in your great love, made known in Jesus Christ. Amen.
Staff Gift | Amidst pandemic weariness and seasonal busyness, the deacons decided to simplify the end-of-year staff gift process. To forgo the need for an additional offering, while still expressing gratitude to our staff, the deacons gave bonuses from the operating budget to Rachel, Keith, and Amanda. Sarah and Ben declined a gift this year, still feeling very appreciated on account of their sabbatical grant.
House Meeting Facilitator Training | We have reached the next step of building a broad-based organization—house meetings! House meetings are guided, small group gatherings that build relationships, identify leaders, and engage people about the things they value. At a house meeting, you can learn something new about a person you’ve worshipped next to for twenty years.
At Trinity, we value hearing everyone’s voice; so, we want to have a number of Trinity folks trained as house meeting facilitators. Facilitators guide a house meeting while someone else handles the work of hosting (we will be asking for hosts early next year).
To find out more about being a house meeting facilitator register for a training session on Thursday, January 6 at 7 pm (Catholic Information Center, 360 Division Ave S) or Wednesday, January 12 at 7 pm (Trinity Reformed Church). The registration link is
You may also ask for more information from any of Trinity’s Core Team members: Jan Koopman, Glenn Swier, Paul Haan, Kate Strater, Susan Aalsburg, Pete Tabberer, or Benjamin Bruins.
VITA Volunteers Needed | At our congregational meeting Sunday, we talked about seeking new opportunities for connecting with our neighbors. Ask and we will receive!
Trinity’s new partner, New Development Corporation, is gearing up to begin their low and moderate income tax preparation program (VITA: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance). Trinity will be a destination for folks seeking help preparing their taxes. Tax returns give access to government resources that can make a huge difference for households.
Volunteers are needed to make the program work! Volunteers may serve as site coordinators, tax preparers, intake volunteers, or greeters. Training is provided for all; it is online and can be done on your own time. Volunteer as often as it works for you during the 11-week tax season that runs from the last week of January through the first week of April.
Tax help at Trinity will be offered Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 8:00pm and Saturdays from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Fill out the Volunteer Application form and email it to before Christmas.Please email Pastor Benjamin if you have any questions at
Please send prayer updates and requests for prayer to,, or
Jim Freel has had cataracts surgery. Please pray for calm and rest as he recovers.
Continue to remember: Todd Billings (David Billings’ brother), Hunter Fox (Katie’s father), Robert Padilla, Ashley Bruins (Ben’s sister-in-law), Paul Bruins (Ben’s father), Kerri Vryhof.
Don’t forget, you can send your offerings to Trinity via the “Give” link below or you can sign up for a regular automatic contribution by using the ACH Draft button.