Get Involved
Belonging often comes before believing. We invite you to belong at Trinity, just as you are.Connection & Engagement
Join Our Community
We picture belonging to community as holding and being held by others.
We have formed some groups to help us practice life in communion with one another.
Breaking Bread
Breaking Bread is a flexible, informal meal sharing opportunity for individuals, couples, and families of all shapes and sizes to get to know each other on a more personal level. Those who sign up are put into groups of three individuals/couples/family units. Together each group coordinates where and when they will meet to share one meal together each month for three months. Participants can choose to open up their home, meet at a local park or restaurant, or be even more creative and go bowling or for a hike as part of their meal. Groups can decide if they want to include kids each time or have a kid-free time together. After three months, there will be a new opportunity to sign up and groups will get shuffled and reassigned so that participants can have the opportunity to get to know new folks.

Congregational Care & Prayer
In addition to the care that our pastoral staff provides, there are several ways through which we provide comfort and support for those who are going through stressful situations. This includes meals, an email prayer chain, and visits from consistory members. If you would like to receive pastoral care from one of our pastors, please feel free to email them directly.

Drinks on the Deck
Drinks on the Deck is a monthly ladies get-together where you bring a beverage of your choice and come for food and conversation. This event is a great way to get to know other folks in a relaxed environment. The location rotates each month, so check the events calendar for upcoming dates and details.

Intergenerational Ultimate Frisbee
Come stretch your legs and play a low-key, friendly game of Ultimate in a city park. Adults, children, grandparents – all are welcome to join in the fun. We play for about an hour or so.

Men’s Shuffleboard Group
Twice a month on Tuesday evening, a group of men get together to play table shuffleboard and fellowship together. Table shuffleboard is a game in which players push metal-and-plastic weighted pucks down a long and smooth wooden table into a scoring area at the opposite end of the table. Bring your beverage of choice and $1/week, snacks will be provided. Check the events calendar for upcoming dates.

Together West Michigan
A politically non-partisan vehicle which gives ordinary families a powerful voice in the decisions that affect their lives.
A “university” of public life dedicated to developing citizens in the fullest sense: participants in our democracy and agents in the creation of a more just society.
An organization of dues paying member institutions, including religious congregations, schools, civic associations, labor and professional organizations, and non-profits.
As part of our committment to pursuing justice in Grand Rapids and beyond Trinity became a founding member of Together West Michigan. Today, a core team of Trinity folks represents the congregation at Together West Michigan gatherings and invites the congregation to participate in Togehter West Mighigan initiatives.

Women’s Bible Study
Meets the first and third Monday evenings of the month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at rotating locations. Check the events calendar for upcoming dates and details.

Youth Group
We gather to grow in the faith, celebrate life, and make space for hard questions. Contact Benjamin at 616.217.3987 #2 or to find out more.