Sunday October 16

Sunday October 16, 2022 “Woven Through: Trees—Echoes of Eden”   “Woven Through: Trees—Echoes of Eden”     Genesis 12:1-9  & Genesis 22:1-14 The story of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden choosing between the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of...

Sunday October 9

Sunday October 9, 2022 “A Tale of Two Trees”   “A Tale of Two Trees”     Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-8 & Psalm 1 This week we’ll begin to explore the second theme in our “Woven Through” series: Trees. At the critical moments of Scripture, when God is...

Sunday October 2

Sunday October 2, 2022 World Communion Sunday   “Unity in Christ” Isaiah 45:20-23 & Philippians 2:1-11 The Greek word for Christ’s self-emptying love is kenosis. On this World Communion Sunday, we’ll explore how the kenosis of Christ is the basis for...

Sunday September 25

Sunday September 25, 2022 “Woven Through: We Are The Temple”     “Woven Through: We Are The Temple” Ephesians 2:17-22 & 1 Peter 2:1-6 The Temple was a set-apart space for the people to come near to God. But in Christ, the overlap between heaven and earth took...

Sunday September 18

Sunday September 18, 2022 “Woven Through: Jesus as Temple”     “Woven Through: Jesus as Temple” John 2:13-22 & Ezra 3:8-13 The temple was meant to be a symbol that mirrored the wider world and reminded God’s people that God’s presence is everywhere. Jesus...

September 11, 2022

Sunday September 11, 2022 “Woven Through: The Temple”     “Woven Through: The Temple” Genesis 2:4-9 & Exodus 39:32-43 This week we begin a new worship series, exploring images that are woven through Scripture. Our first image is the Temple. For ancient...