Online Service
Please use the following links for this week’s worship. You may wish to prepare your communion elements before we begin.
Order of Worship
Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 827 4872 5884
Password: 247155
In-Person Service
We begin at 10am on Sundays. We have a short fellowship time, then Second Hour programming for adults and kids after the service.
1) Masks are optional for all participants. Masks will be worn by volunteers working with kids under 5.
2) Physically distanced sanctuary seating (by household or group)
3) Elders will serve individual communion element servings at the front. (You may bring your own elements for partaking at your seat.)
Below are details about kids’ programs for this coming Sunday! Masks will be worn by teachers (optional for kids)
Worship Hour
Infants – 7 Yr old in Little Lambs Room (2:45pm-4:15pm) in the lower level
No Sunday Morning Service on June 5
–Learning Opportunities — create classes, studies, field trips, movie groups, etc. to help us learn in engaging ways
–Feasting Together — foster connections over food including potlucks on the first Sunday of the month and Breaking Bread
–Story Sharing — provide opportunities to share and hear one another’s stories in Second Hour and beyond

Send us prayer updates and requests:
Please sign up for our email list in order to receive prayer updates and requests.
Don’t forget, you can send your offerings to Trinity via the “Give” link below or you can sign up for a regular automatic contribution by using the ACH Draft button.