Sunday September 4, 2022
“The Potter and the Clay”
“The Potter and the Clay”
Jeremiah 18:1-11 & Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18
Online worship
Please use the following links for this week’s worship. You may wish to prepare your communion elements before we begin.
Order of Worship
Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 827 4872 5884
Password: 247155
In-Person worship
We begin at 10am on Sundays. We have a short fellowship time after the worship gathering, then Second Hour programs for adults and kids after the service (during the school year).
1) Masks are optional and welcome for all participants.
2) Elders will serve individual communion element servings at the front.
Below are details about kids’ programs for this coming Sunday! Masks are welcome and optional.
Worship Hour (10:00 – 11:15)
Infants – 5 Yr old in Little Lambs (9:45 -11:15) on the lower level
2 Yr old – 5 Yr old may begin in the sanctuary
(leave together after Prayer for Illumination)
Second Hour
second hour for all ages will resume on September 18
ADULT 2nd HOUR (11:30 – 12:15)
second hour for all ages will resume on September 18
2022/23 Children’s MinistriesChildren’s Ministries (children & worship, second hour, and nursery) will start on September 18. Please sign up here if you are willing to volunteer.Kick Off SundayOn September 11, we will kick off our new year of programming here at Trinity. This year, we will have monthly potluck meals together. Our first potluck is September 11 after worship. We will gather at church, indoors, in the fellowship hall for a meal together. Please bring your own place settings, and a dish to pass. Though we will be indoors, the theme of this month’s potluck is “Picnic” ! Have fun with it.New ESL Classes at Trinity!This fall, Trinity Reformed Church is starting a free English as a Second Language program for adults in our community. Interested in volunteering? Sign up here or with this QR code! If you have any questions, please talk to Claire Molling (
Together West Michigan Training OpportunityOn Friday, September 9th, 6p-8:30p and Saturday, September 10th, 9a-4:00p (lunch included) there will be a Together West Michigan Broad Based Community Organizing Training. Many of us at Trinity are still wondering:
1) What exactly is Together West Michigan and how does broad-based organizing work?
2) How do I learn to be an even more effective leader in broad-based organizing on these issue areas?
If that’s you, join us on September 9th-10th at Park Congregational Church to build your skills and connect with other broad-based organizing leaders. See here for more information and registration.
Kids HopeAmanda McElroy, Trinity’s Director of Children’s Ministries, will also now serve as our Director of Kids Hope. Thanks Amanda!
Kids Hope is a mentoring organization Trinity will partner with in order to work with students at Harrison Park Elementary. Amanda will soon be recruiting mentors willing to spend one hour a week building a better future for a child through the power of a relationship. Volunteers will work with one lower elementary school student during the school day. Learn more now by visiting
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Please sign up for our email list in order to receive prayer updates and requests.
Don’t forget, you can send your offerings to Trinity via the “Give” link below or you can sign up for a regular automatic contribution by using the ACH Draft button.